After swiss round losses to Imre Leader and David Beck. David Hand pipped David Beck (also on 7 wins) on Brightwell quotient to the final, joining Imre Leader who had been on his usual top form and won all his earlier games. David came out victorious in the final in a fantastic game where both players demonstrated strong board awareness and crafted the game to their own unique potentials. David's potentials came out stronger though as he calmly held onto a endgame parity switching swindle that Imre had created at move 34. It was great to have players competing over the board again and we'll have more content from the weekend up on the website in coming weeks. In the meantime, final standings are shown below and you can recap the final game on LiveOthello via the link below.
Standings after Round 9 1: 9 pts [657] LEADER Imre (79) {GBR} 2: 7 pts [646] HAND David (2357) {GBR} [591] BECK David (6437) {GBR} 4: 6 pts [612] BARRASS Iain (2047) {GBR} 5: 5 pts [578] TURNER Ian (2036) {GBR} [534] PRIDMORE Ben (4019) {GBR} 7: 4 pts [506] ARNOLD Roy (2006) {GBR} [483] CHAPPELL Digby (100052) {GBR} 9: 3 pts [517] KYTE Bruce (2078) {GBR} 10: 2 pts [440] Chappell Fraser (100057) {GB} 11: 1 pt [406] CHAPPELL Graham (100050) {GBR} [402] CHAN Cheuk Wing (4123) {HKG} FINAL RESULT: HAND 38 vs LEADER 26
Was sad to miss it but am really glad that players are able to meet again. :-)